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how to make seafood spaghetti with mussels and crustaceans sauce

scoglio spaghetti

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cooking mussels and crustaceans for spaghetti

scoglio spaghetti

blue mussels

At first cleanse the blue mussels, scraping the shells with a scourer ad de-bearding

blue mussels

steam them at high heat  for 4/5 minutes until opened. preserve the cooking water after filtering.

striped venus clams

Cleanse the stripped Venus clams and put t into a pot with a little olive oil, cook at high heat until opened. Add the cooking water to that of the blue shells

fry slightly garlic in olive oil

in a great pan fry slightly in olive oil the garlic until softened then add the tomatoes purée and make it dense

add tomato purée

cooking crustaceans

add prawns and razor shells

cooking crustaceans

boil spaghetti

boil the spaghtti in abundant boiling water until al dente, the same you have been using for the venus clams and the blue mussels. Use a big pot as the water foams.

add venus clams

add the venus clams and the blue shells to the sauce. Keep some apart for garnishing

stir sauce

Stir well

mussels and crustaceans sauce

seafood scoglio spaghetti

drain the pasta and saute in the sauce, adding chopped parsley. Serve immediately.

seafood spaghetti

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